Tuesday 5 November 2013


Everyone's doing these ;) 
Download the app - instaeyes
It's awshumXD 
Well dis is a short post

Mollie tha unirainbowww out

Sunday 3 November 2013

Lara/Molly hereeeee

Hello *~*
My name ish Molly.
Me and Soph share this blog (y)

Look at that amazing banner ;oooo
Soph made it ;)
Because idk how to
Imma useless :00000000

On that banner, I'm the girl in the orange.
Orange and black.

I could make a song about that....
Orange, orange and black yeahyeahyahhhh
Would you buy it on iTunes?;) maybe not ;o

Ok, over with the randomness ;/////

Soph did some facts about herself, I feel I should do the same ;))

1) my name is Molly

Haha that was a trick fact because I already told you that! If that was a test you failed!!!

Ok seriously now ;)

1) I am 12 years old :o
2) I have been playing msp since I was 10 ( I think )
3) I have brown hair and brown eyes
4) In my spare time I play msp and look through Instagram ;)

Ok, that's me for you ;)

So some msp facts for you ;)

Me : Lara lover
Soph : dramadancewrite

Sc: 1.950
Wishy: no;)

Diamonds: 13
Greeting: no, I need 2 more diamonds loool ;)

Level: 11
Close to next level: yeah 32k left

Are you going now: yes bye

Well that was a bit random;) anyhowww hope you like the bloggehhh, come back soon ;) byeeeeeee

I don't even know looolll

Hey guys it's Sophh here!!!! X

So basically I kinda quit cos MSP wasn't letting me in even though I was like putting the right log in. Anyway it was being kinda annoying and I didn't go on it for ages.

Then my computer did this weird update thing and got rid of all my pictures, documents... EVERYTHING. I was really upset :/

But now.. I'm back! And I'll be updating my blog as often as I can but if I get homework (don't hate me for not posting haha).

Now that I haven't been on MSP for ages I'm kinda a loner with like 3 friends.. So please message me or whatever cos I'd like to make new friends...

Stuff about me:
1. I love BMTH
2. I have brown hair
3. I'm just a teenage dirtbagg babyyyyy XD
4. I make banners if you want one.
5. I'm sometimes quite shy

So that's it people!!